Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Evgenii Filin Евгений Филин 64 №2 One of the forms of social work with migrants is included in the creation of self-help groups and migrant organizations, such as the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Charitable Public Organization "Center for Assistance to Migrants", which was established on October 11, 2000. The organization provides comprehensive assistance to foreign citizens, stateless persons, including internally displaced persons, members of national minorities, the protection of their economic, social and political rights. Over the past few years, the volunteer movement in Russia has become, if not popular, but very common. Especially after the Olympic Games in Sochi, when volunteers from across the country assisted in conducting sports forum. But volunteering is not limited by sports component. Now, in the conditions of constant migrants’ growth when the increase in the number of migrants from Ukraine and other countries in Russia, volunteers are increasingly focused on the organization of social assistance to individuals and the families [5, p. 72]. According to the data on website of the Moscow city department of the Russian Red Cross on April 17, 2014, this organization attracts students of colleges and universities for medical and legal assistance to migrants and their families, including those awaiting deportation. The Red Cross’ aid request letters were sent in educational institutions of Moscow city. Until the students began helping migrants, they were trained by the psychologists, then they held a series of trainings to understand the specifics of working with foreigners. The international news agency "Fergana" published the article by the leader and coordinator of the volunteer organization "Observers of Petersburg", the activist group "Rights for All" Alexander Krylenkov of how volunteers of Petersburg are connected by this problem. Volunteers call up to a police station and try to find out where there are people detained on suspicion of illegal stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is usually done in the evening, because during the day the relatives bring documents for many detainees and then they are released. Police leave for night only those, who are usually be judged. At night the activists carry about the food for them and in the afternoon go to the district courts to observe the proceedings. Families of migrant workers are helped in Tula too. The Actors of Tula Drama Theater helped refugees from Ukraine. Refugee families did not have winter clothes. Despite the help from the social services in food and maintenance (offering), there was not money for the purchase of clothing. For three days the actors and their friends had collected the first batch of items . Besides winter clothes, Tula prepared for refugee some goodies - sweets and toys. After a couple of weeks, we managed to gather more substantial help, for the refugees, as more volunteers were involved. Creation of some volunteer associations, funds and charitable organizations for refugees and displaced persons, help migrants to adapt more quickly to the new environment and provided with food, clothing, medicines and toys for children. The specifics of working with migrants and local people must be included into consideration of interpersonal relationships by volunteers. The volunteer in this situation, is forced to act in several ways, expanding the scope of his competence, combining the individual, family, group and community work,