Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 63 In social work with migrants there are two main types: 1. Applied social work (work with a particular person or a group of people in need of social assistance); 2. Organizational work (organization of social services, development of specific programs, activities, etc.). The direction of the organizational social work is determined by the content of specific programs, developed by the state, non-governmental organizations, associations, and implemented at both the national and regional levels. Practical social work with migrants is carried out in the following areas:  social,  socio-psychological,  socio-pedagogical,  socio-legal,  socio-medical,  financial,  socio-economic,  material,  socio-informational,  socio-labour. Just in the practical work with the families of migrants may be and, as a rule, are involved the volunteers. The work of volunteers does not only complement and build social support to the families of migrants in the state and municipal levels, but also it has a number of advantages in comparison with the activities of the official institutions and organizations. First of all, this advantage is the mobility and speed of response to the problem, targeting and contextual help in the application of methods and tools of social support. We can talk about these forms of volunteers’ participation in social work with the families of migrant workers:  analyzing family features, identifying its needs, problems and potential in solving them;  legal support of the family, to ensure compliance with its social security, the creation of conditions for realization of their rights and freedoms;  organization of dialogue communication, initiating joint activities, joint leisure, creativity;  psychological education of families, providing emergency in psychological assistance, preventive support and patronage;  modeling the situation and the development of specific programs targeted assistance.