Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Evgenii Filin Евгений Филин 62 №2 international labor market. However, the society is virtually unprepared to solve the problems of migrants’ effective socialization for their new living conditions. The Russian Federation is being currently in the processes now, which associates with the influx of migrants, gaining the importance and requires effective regulation. That is due to the fact that modern Russian society is characterized by negative natural population growth and reduction in manpower of the country and, therefore, the increasing role of migration as a source of support and growth of the Russia’s population. In recent years, the migration takes on a considerable scale, becoming one of the factors of economic, social and cultural development of Russia. Year by year, the number of migrants in our country is increasing, as men come not only alone, but also with their families, often with children, planning a long stay in Russia. Many of them are employed and work in the trade, servicesand building [2, p. 86]. Migrants are the category of population, demanding attention and support from the state and society. Despite escaping from the adverse and sometimes even extremeconditions of life in their country, changing the places of residence, they receive the same problems that they cannot resolve on their own. Among the major social problems of migrant families can be distinguished the following:  housing problem;  employment problem;  social and psychological adaptation. Besides above-mentioned aspects many others can be added: the placement and temporary residence, obtaining registration of the residence, legal ignorance and lack of information where to get help; placement of children in school and kindergarten, poor knowledge of the language and cultural characteristics of new territory of stay, negative attitude of local people. Social assistance to migrants must be maintained of mutually supportive social environment for people, changing their residence and entering into another social environment. Through social assistance the system of social relations and connections is formed, maintained, and changed, which includes a migrant, his family members in a new place. The effectiveness of such stages, increases their losses in activity. In addition, negative attitude is blocked with the respect to these people, including the aggressive influence of the environment associated with the development of market economy, problems in obtaining medical care, education, professional retraining, access to the job market. Thus, social assistance to migrants is expressed, on the one hand, raising the status and improving the situation of migrants, on the other - the impact on the environment, which included a migrant himself [4, p. 27]. Social adaptation is one of the main problems faced by migrant families. As a result, the social integration of migrants will be able to function normally, develop personal and professional respect in the society, as well as the local people in the country.