Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Dmitry Smirnov Дмитрий Смирнов 60 №2 According to data of Tyoplo-Ogaryovsky social safety net department, the number of families in need of social support is 1457 (they brought up 2082 children); the number of single-parent families is 97 (including 148 children) [2, p. 79]. In Shchekino district municipal unit, the work of specialists is built on the territory which is conventionally divided into 9 sections. Social work of the specialist at the territory of the Tyoplo-Ogaryovo district municipal units constructed by patronage and collaboration with educational institutions, public health agencies, administrations of rural settlements and other organizations; the specialist reveals the single-parent families with children at social risk, collects the necessary information about them and reports to the center. Once a quarter or more often, Shchekino district’s specialists together with social partners go to the territory of Tyoplo-Ogaryovo district to provide social assistance to families living in this area. General guidance and methodological support of the work are carried out by the center. Thus, it is supported by systematic approach in the implementation of the model. The technology of the district social service is widely used in the model. This technology allows quickly solving issues for providing social services, address social, legal and psychological and educational support to families in the areas of the municipal unit. The work of experts’ team in local service is based on a predetermined plan and includes comprehensive social survey, identification of the problem field, determination of the causes and consequences of ill-being which is built on the basis of further work to improve the family situation [3, p. 43]. The social effect of the project “Step Forward” represented on the slide:  Reducing the number of families with children at social risk;  Strengthening the educational capacity of families;  Creating the regional system of preventive, correctional and rehabilitation activity with families at the early stage of family trouble in terms of social partnership. At the moment, in the Tula Region, the project «Step Forward» has a successor–the project «League of assistance». The aim is to build a single rehabilitation space of the Tula Region. The project began to operate in August, 2015 and will continue to use and develop the most effective methods, techniques, forms of work with troubled families. References: 1. On the bases of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation: The order of the Ministry of Work and Social protection // Russian Newspaper. 2013. 30 dec. Available at: http://rg.ru/2013/12/30/socialka- dok.html (accessed 10.09.2015). 2. Prevention of family problems (models of organization of work): a collection of the results of the regional pilot project «Step Forward» / Belyovceva K., Makarova G., Zaharova V. Tula, 2011. 88 p. 3. Shahin E.G. Social services for families and children: Proc. Benefit. Tula, Tula State L.N.Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 2014. 47 p.