Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 59  protection of the rights and interests of minors in birth families living in remote areas who are unable to cope with the functions of maintenance, upbringing and education of children. The model «We are together!» uses the capabilities of local institutions and organizations and is actively working with the social partners. Interdistrict model of organization aimed at prevention of family problems in large single-parent and two-parent families in difficult situations; in large single-parent and two-parent families at social risk “FAMILY – I, YOU, HE, AND SHE – TOGETHER ARE THE STRONG COUNTRY”. The model involves three districts: Efremov, Kamensk, Kurkino. These districts are the most distant from Tula. in Efremov district - 3975 families need in social protection, they bring up 5570 children; the number of families at risk are 183 including 275 children (representing 2.7% of the total number of children); in Kurkino area - 984 families are registered in departments of social safety net, including 1508 children; 54 families with 116 children are at social risk (this is 6.3% of the total number of children); Kamensk district - 923 families are in need of social protection, including 1358 children; there are 43 families at social risk including 85 children (4.9%) [2, p. 54]. Center specialists (psychologists, social educator) go to Kurkino and Kamensk districts at the request of social work professionals for individual work, group activities with families (meetings, counseling center, events) as well as interaction with a variety of organizations and institutions ready to assist in solving family problems (problem meetings with educators). During work with families, the following technologies are applied:  «case-study»;  intensive family therapy at home. The novelty of the model is in the creation of unified space characterized by different demographic and socio-economic indicator and level of infrastructure development in three districts of Tula Region for rehabilitation and adaptation of families in difficult situation or at social risk. Moreover, the novelty of the work lies in the fact that the work is not only with the child but also with his family, and the family is not seen as a consumer of services but as an equal partner of interaction. Models of organization aimed at preventive work with the family trouble in single-parent families «My family is my hope» (Shchekino district, Tyoplo-Ogaryovo district). The structure of Shchekinsky district includes 4 urban settlements and 5 rural settlements. The population is 109.7 thousand people [2, p. 78]. According to statistics data of Shchekino social safety net Committee, the number of families in need of social support is 3777 (they brought up 6027 children); the number of single-parent families is 1549 (including 2260 children). The structure of Tyoplo-Ogaryovsky district includes 6 settlements. The population of the district is 13 000 people [2, p. 79].