Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Dmitry Smirnov Дмитрий Смирнов 56 №2 one-time but constant, guaranteed, and addressed. Dysfunctional families especially need such help [3, p. 42]. Family trouble is often a source of social instability, child neglect, homelessness, social orphanhood and, consequently, juvenile delinquency. The current unfavorable demographic situation in the Tula Region dictates the necessity to preserve existing families by improving a system of social assistance and support for this purpose. The priority of the social policy is to implement new ideas and developments, to generate them in the Tula Region and in Russia as a whole [1, p. 5]. It is known that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. This concept can also be applied to social diseases which include family trouble, as well. Problems of dysfunctional families are regulated at the legislative level of the Russian Federation and at the level of legislative and executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation including the Tula Region. In 2008, the Department of Social Development of the Tula Region has developed and implemented the regional pilot project “Step Forward” aimed at the development, testing and implementation of effective social assistance models for the families and children in difficult situations. It has realized by social service institutions for families and children of the Tula Region. In this project, the family is considered not only as a consumer of services but also as an equal partner of the interaction. The main idea of the project is the so-called “step up”–a step forward to the preservation of the family, «Let’s keep the family for the child and to keep the child in the family». The total of 6 models for the prevention of family trouble has been created. Nine institutions of social services for families and children in Tula and Tula region began basic sites to simulate models. Let us dwell on the six models and consider our regional experience in the prevention of family trouble. Model «Time to be close» (the city of Tula and Leninsky district). The problem of interdepartmental interaction in the system to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency remains urgent during work with families. Each department has its own data bank on children and families with restricted access to experts of other institutions. Disunity in the operations of different departments gives fragmented and unsystematic base for prevention activity. Four institutions have joined forces and work experience to resolve this problem in the Tula region: «Social and Rehabilitation Centers for Minors №1 and №3»; «Center of assistance to children without parental care»; «Tula comprehensive social services center in Zarechje district». Different institutions, have served 934 minors, of whom: 100 families are at social risk at the moment of realization of this project. • returned to their families – 188, • transferred to foster families – 45, • sent to orphanages – 106. More than 350 families are registered in the offices of patronage assistance to families and children [2, p. 4].