Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 55 Dmitry Smirnov Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University Department of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (1 year master's program) INNOVATIVE MODELS OF THE ACTIVITY ORGANIZATION AIMED AT THE PREVENTION OF FAMILY TROUBLE IN THE TULA REGION Annotation: The article presents the model of work aimed at prevention of family problems, developed in frame of the regional pilot project "Step Forward". It contains detailed statistics for disadvantaged families in Tula and Tula region. We analyzed innovative content, a variety of forms, methods and technologies of family and children’s social services in Tula region. Аннотация: В статье представлены модели организации работы по профилактике семейного неблагополучия, разработанные в рамках регионального пилотного проекта «Шаг навстречу». Указана подробная статистика по неблагополучным семьям в Туле и Тульской области. Проанализировано инновационное содержание, разнообразие форм, методов и технологий работы специалистов учреждений социального обслуживания семьи и детей Тульской области с семьями. Keywords: dysfunctional family, marital distress, social work, model, prevention, technology and innovation. Ключевые слова: неблагополучная семья, семейное неблагополучие, социальная работа, модель, профилактика, технологии, инновации. he problems of the family in modern Russia refer to the most important and urgent ones. Families in the Tula Region and in Russia as a whole, are faced with serious problems, which, can be divided into external and internal ones, although in reality they are intertwined and reflected in each other. External problems are caused by socio-economic situation in the country, in the region; and internal problems are conditioned to the long-term development of the family institution, the deployment of its own contradictions. Family provides the economic, social, psychological and physical safety and security of its members. However, today, in order to fully implement the prescribed public functions, many families are in need of help and support from the outside, and such assistance should not be T