Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Ekaterina Prudova Екатерина Прудова 52 №2 A special medical and pedagogic commission select children for such schools. There is quite a standard row of problems of the system of government support, actual for the majority of families with disabled children. The first one is financial difficulties. The law provides monthly care payments for disabled children up to 18 years old [9]. The problem is in small allowance (5 311,00 roubles) and difficulty of its execution, as a lot of documents should be submitted by parents to the authorities. However 50% discount for municipal housing is also provided for such families as an additional support and indexation of monthly allowance is planned for 2016 [7]. Work searching process is also difficult for parents of a disabled child. One of the parents (guardian) of a disabled child has the right to work part-time [4]. The problem is that it is hard to find such a work as companies are not interested to employ people with such requirements. Provision with the required devices is the next problem disabled children are faced with. Usually disabled people are provided with the necessary devices, typhlo-, surdo- and other tools required for social adaptation at the expense of the government [5]. The problem is that a user can be provided with a tool only from the approved list pursuant to the local legislation, and, as a rule, these are old- fashioned or inconvenient models. Now people have started resolving this problem via Internet, signing and submitting online petitions to the appropriate officials. High cost of commercial childcare services. According to the statistics, just five families out of five hundred can hire a paid nurse for a child. Parents seldom use third person services because, firstly, it’s hard to find a person who can be entrusted to take care of disabled children. Secondly, the market cost of disabled childcare services can exceed the amount earned by mothers of disabled children. The good news is that these problems are being solved now with the help of public organizations and charity foundations. Lack of awareness of the population. Parents of disabled children don’t often know about kinds of social services available for them. According to the polling data just 16,7 % of parents answered that they knew the law about the disabled people social protection. The main part of pollees (83,3 %) admitted their unawareness.49,2 % of pollees mentioned their friends and families as the main information source [3, p. 87]. The good news is that the state social service institutions continue implementing new methods and technologies in their work for families support. Social expedition is an example of one of such methods. This is a group of experts, organized on the basis of state social service institutions, with the involvement of NGO’s. As a rule, this expedition includes lawyers, psychologists and social workers. The task of this social service is to visit hard-to-reach districts with an underdeveloped infrastructure of social service provision. They also have to visit families registered as “potentially risky”. The purpose of the expedition is to check the situation of children in registered families; to provide possible psychological, legal or other assistance; to render financial assistance to low-income families; to inform families about available social services, especially in suburbs. Another method, becoming more and more popular in Russia is a work with networks of social contacts. This method works well with socially