Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 51 Thus, problem families are those that have functional impairment and low potential for solving development tasks at any stage of their life cycle. There are the following types of problem families:  We’d like a family with a disabled child;  a family with bad communication in it;  a family that is going to get divorced;  a single-parent family;  a family of alcoholics; to consider one of the problem families more detailed, namely – a family with a disabled child. Birth of a disabled child can often become a destructive factor that breaks the family’s usual functioning. This transformation more often leads to breakdown of the married couple’s subsystem from the father when he leaves the family because of neuropsychic and physical overload. But the child’s sickness can have an opposite role of the factor stabilizing the family system because the married couple neither sorts out its relations nor lays claims to each other, but it is focused on the child’s treatment and upbringing [1]. A family with a disabled child becomes a problem one if the child’s sickness is the only stabilizer salvaging the marriage. The real problems in the family will be concealed by the steep care of the child. The parents’ accumulated but concealed emotional annoyance can appear unexpectedly: scandals without a serious reason, depression, finding relief in different pseudoscientific doctrines and religion by one of the parents, etc. In general there are three types of reaction for a disabled child’s birth: 1. Passive reaction: misunderstanding of the given problem, the feeling of parents’ broken hopes, problem denial. 2. Hyperactive reaction: attempt to find the most famous doctors, latest and expensive medicines, with frequent changes in treatment. 3. Average well-minded reaction: consistent fulfillment of orders of doctors, psychologists and other specialists. Families of the third type of reaction have the most efficient cooperation with social workers. Some statistics:  as of July 2015 14 747 disabled children live in St. Petersburg [9].  The largest percent among such families is single-parent households  From 15% till 30% of couples get divorced after a disabled child’s birth [2; 6].  Despite of the difficulties, families with the disabled children have the following educational opportunities:  Children with not very expressed abnormal physical and mental development study in special boarding schools;  Children with deeper psychosomatic disorders live in boarding schools constantly.