Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 5 Every day was full of new impressions, knowledge and meeting new people. Participants acquired practical skills of professional communication, experience of common activities in mixed groups and also could define the concepts of further researches and self-improvement. As far as study week was held in Advent, observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of preparation for the celebration of Christmas all students felt holiday spirit, admired beautiful old town, looked in that time like traditional, neat and sweet-smelling spice-cake. This issue contains students’ articles not only from our university, but from universities of Riga and St. Petersburg, which were written according to results of researching activity during the semester and then successfully represented by students in Mainz. This issue opens with an expert's opinion – professor Ruth Remmel- Faßbender from Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Mainz. She is leading specialist in social work area and one of the coordinator of international study week. From editorial board