Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Yulia Koziaeva Юлия Козяева 48 №2 orientation to change the husband’s attitude towards the problem (either to destroy, or to change and adjust everything). Short-term: to overcome the fear of taking independent decisions and realizing the responsibility for oneself and the child, understanding the validity of the family problems. Results and conclusions of the fifth stage: between the client and the expert the atmosphere of trust is established; mutual coordination of the purpose which needs to be reached, methods which are necessary to use, and the tasks involved in the achievement of the purpose; the client realizes the need of changes, becomes more open; the spent time – one week. At the sixth stage within the realized individual program, the expert used psychological trainings to increase self-assessment, training for understanding and changing motives and aims in relation to himself, other people, situations of communication and interaction. When the expert uses trainings, he takes into consideration social roles of the client: an employee, a respected teacher, a highly qualified specialist, a responsible mother, a good parent for the child. Results and conclusions of the sixth stage: confidential relationships between the client and the expert are achieved: noticeable increase of a client’s self-assessment, confident voice, actively contact making; the spent time – one week. The seven, eight and nine stages were integrated in this case. The behavioral method of individual work used by the expert in work with Olga is aimed at the maintenance of positive behavior and includes the following steps: Olga's attention was directed on the positive sides of her life described at the sixth stage; the attempt to concentrate on the problem of the client’s husband for the purpose of preservation of a family was carried out; the analysis of the staged problems. Conclusions according to the following results of the seventh – ninth stages: the client got rid of fear to take independent decisions, realized the responsibility for herself and for the child, saw true nature of the problem, also Olga had a desire to involve the husband in the work for saving the family; the spent time – 3 weeks. At the tenth stage the expert singled out and analyzed the following presumable risks in professional interaction with Olga: unwillingness to accept the help of other expert; fear to lose own positions and resources; disbelief that changes are possible; unwillingness to spend time on the work with all these problems; uncertainty. At the eleventh stage in the course of assistance to Olga within the developed individual program, weekly stages for control were allocated: interviewing, questionnaires, psychological tests. At the twelfth stage short-term objectives were achieved, and began to appear the improvements in long-term goals. So, Olga's husband showed willingness to take part in the work on the family problem. That, in turn, gives hope for preservation of a social unit of society and exception of emergence of a single-parent family. By the example of work with Olga it is possible to mark out the following advantages of use casework with a single-parent family: the individual approach allowing the client to open more fully and come quicker to the planned purpose;