Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 47 The process of interaction of the social worker and client includes passing of twelve certain interconnected stages [2, p. 198]. Further, we will consider the realization of twelve stages on the example of a case of Olga S. who applied to the Tula family and children’s service Center. The first stage. Olga S. was directed to the social worker. At this stage of consultation, the problem situation was revealed: Olga, 32, she is married, but does not live with the husband, the son is 10 years old. Olga works as a teacher at the secondary school, the husband hasn’t been working for the last 3 years, and he takes Olga’s salary by force, beating her. The expert created primary assessment of the situation, which formed the basis to draft a contract on providing social services. Olga gave her agreement to the services offered by the expert. After that, the contract on providing social services was signed. Results and conclusions of the first stage: between the client and the expert the contact was established; the client is in a stressful state, closed, isn't confident in expression of the experiences and problems; manifestation of attention, tactfulness of the expert during an interview, tolerance and goodwill in relation to the client; the spent time – one week. At the second stage, the client was still in the closed and cautious state. Expert’s attentiveness, sympathy and heartiness allowed to define the reasons of Olga’s fear, and also to adjust the atmosphere of trust between them. During communication the expert found out that meetings at lunch time on weekdays was more convenient for Olga, because her husband didn’t know about her visits to the social center. When the reasons of fear were defined by the expert, it was possible to choose the approaches for solution of problems. These reasons were studied and considered in details. Results and conclusions of the second stage: between the client and the expert the atmosphere of trust was established; the client is closed, but she realizes the reasons of her fears and she is ready to solve problems; manifestation of attention, tactfulness of the expert during the contact, goodwill in relation to the client; the spent time – one week. At the third stage, the data of the first and second stages were generalized and the individual program of assistance was offered to Olga. Psychological, social and economic features of the personality and the situation itself were taken into account in this program. The program consisted of 4 blocks including legal, psychological, social and medical ones. At the fourth stage the expert analyzed Olga's relations with relatives, with the close environment, and also the family microclimate. Olga's parents live in other city, but they maintain cordial relations with her. The colleagues are benevolent to Olga, they appreciate her as a highly qualified specialist. Conclusions of the fourth and third stages: between the client and the expert the atmosphere of trust is strengthened; the client is less closed, she completely realizes the reasons of the fears and actively takes part in the development of the individual program; manifestation of attention, tactfulness of the expert during the contact, goodwill in relation to the client; the spent time – one week. At the fifth stage there were definite purposes of the individual program for Olga. In this program short-term and long-term goals were defined. Long-term: