Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Yulia Koziaeva Юлия Козяева 46 №2 The essence of this broad and multidimensional activity is the assistance to one parent and his child (children) at the personal level for the solution of any problems of their activity, starting from receiving the grant put under the law, assistance in employment and ending at rendering psychological, legal, social and other services. As a rule, the need of these services arises during the periods of crisis, at emergence of any difficulties (in a family, at school, at work, with the close environment), at emergence of various psychological problems. In general, it is possible to single out four main directions, developed today in practice of social work with single-parent families in the establishments of social protection:  rendering the emergency and urgent measures directed on a family survival;  the medium-term measures of various character directed on the maintenance of stability of a single-parent family;  the long-term measures of various character aimed at the social development of a single-parent family and its members;  the preventive measures of various character directed on the prevention of «casual» single-parent families cases. On the whole, all types, forms, methods and technologies used by the social centers and offices are rather large. They carry out concrete practical social work with single-parent families. As a rule, their use depends on local specifics, realities and the actual needs of inhabitants of particular settlements. Various forms and methods of social work are used for each specific single- parent family, it depends on character of family problems, their complexity, sharpness or neglect: social casework, group (club) social work, work within family consultation (family therapy), social patronage and individual work with the child, with the parent or with both of them at the same time. We will consider casework, which we understand as the activity of professional social workers, based on psycho-social, behavioural, systematic concepts and having values; helping individuals and families to deal with psychological, interpersonal, socio-economic problems and problems of the development. This work is realized at the direct interaction with the client in a «face to face» or «in private» situation [1, p. 104]. The typical individual problems in practice of social work in the world are:  emotional problems;  family and personal crises;  family conflicts;  problems at work;  problems at school;  unemployment, etc. Casework has the common and specific features: work with the client in the course of change, interviewing, establishment of the contract, planning, an assessment and other elements of individual interaction.