Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 45 2. «A single-parent family is a family with only one parent and a child; a single-parent family is a small group with partial, incomplete bonds where there is no traditional system of relations: mother - father, father - children, children – grandparents». This definition expands the number of possible subjects of single- parent families and highlights the lack of traditional, healthy relationships among the members of single-parent families. 3. «A single-parent family is a family where one parent is absent (usually it is a father)». Therefore, the concept of a single-parent family has many options. It includes, as a rule, the subjects of the social unit. The reasons for the formation of incomplete families have casual character (death of a parent) and intentional character (leaving the family, divorce, birth of a child out of marriage). We will use the next definition of “a single parent family" as the category of families where the one parent living with the under-aged child (children) and carries of him (them) the primary responsibility. A single-parent family belongs to the category of multi-problem families. Therefore, this family faces different problems. The following problems are the most common in Russia:  material problem;  the problem of combining professional and parental roles;  the difficulties of a single parent in the upbringing of a child and a child's own problems;  domestic difficulties and lack of time;  personal problems of a single parent. There are single-parent families, which have specific problems. These families must draw attention to social programs aimed at solving specific problems of family members - such as the child's disability; many children; family deviant behavior (alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence), and others. Single-parent families are the traditional object of social work in Russia. Single parents are a priority object of state social policy . Russian local social services of a new type were originated in the 1990s. Since that time, single-parent families were considered to be one of the main categories of families in difficult situations, and, therefore, in a particular need of social protection, measures and support. Today there are about 1,500 family social services in the Russian Federation [3]. The experience of social work with single-parent families is quite extensive in these centers and departments of social assistance to families and children today. It includes activities for rendering different types and forms of direct social support of single-parent families, including money help and household support, the advisory help (legal, social and pedagogical, psychological, etc.), rendering social support within the patronage, involvement of children and parents from single-parent families in the clubs of communication, «dating service», which are specially organized for them.