Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 43  Group work with families and children, with teenagers for formation of a positive climate in a family;  Participation in events upon the prevention work of the prevention actors. The basic stages and terms of the individual prevention work Stage I: collection and analysis of a primary information concerning the case and if it is necessary informing experts of interdepartmental interaction to motivate family members to interact a specialist for prevention work. Stage II: a complex assessment of a situation with a teenager and his family: work out and realize a plan of the individual prevention work. Stage III: monitoring of a situation in a family with children according the results of an individual plan realization. The goal of monitoring is a receiving of the current information about the assigned tasks, necessity of correction of the program for children with families, continuation and perspectives of work with families. In general, the main tasks of the whole system of social support are: assistance in the development of adaptive strategies dealing with all kinds of crises and also help all families become health and happy. References: 1. Resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg of June 10, 2012 no. 695 «On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation». Available at: http://gov.spb.ru/helper/social/semejnaya-politika-v-sankt- peterburge/koncepciya-semejnoj-politiki-v-sankt-peterburge-na-2012-2022- gody/ (accessed 21.01.2016) 2. Sociological research of the socio-economic status and social well- being of families with children in St. Petersburg. Available at: http://gov.spb.ru/helper/social/semejnaya-politika-v-sankt- peterburge/sociologicheskoe-issledovanie-socialno-ekonomicheskogo- polozheniya (accessed 20.01.2016)