Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

From editorial board От редакции 4 №2 полюбовались прекрасным старинным городом, похожим в эти дни на традиционный нарядный и благоухающий пряник. В настоящем выпуске журнала представлены статьи не только магистрантов нашего университета, но также студентов из Риги и Санкт-Петербурга, написанные по итогам исследовательской деятельности в семестре и с успехом представленные ребятами в Майнце. Открывает выпуск мнение эксперта - профессора Рут Реммель- Фасбендер (prof. Ruth Remmel-Faßbender, Catholic University of Applied Sciences, Mainz), ведущего специалиста в области социальной работы и одного из организаторов Недели международного образования. От редакции Dear readers! The latest issue of our e-journal is devoted to representation of young researchers’ results, studying on a master degree program “Pedagogical basis of social work”. They represented our university at Mainz Catholic University of Applied Sciences in autumn semester 2015/2016 in Germany. Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University and Mainz Catholic University of Applied Sciences have already been cooperating in the sphere of social work and pedagogy more than 10 years. Students of both universities annually take part in exchange training or studying programs visiting each other. In December 2015 our partners were organized an international study week “Integrated Intervention Concepts for Families with Complex Problem Areas” Our partners from Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University as well as different academics and master’s students from Warsaw Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski university (Poland), Riga Stradins university (Latvia) and St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social work visited that event in Mainz. Master’s students represented reports, devoted to peculiarities of Russian legislation and regional practice with single-parent families, training of adoptive parents, social adaptation of orphans, innovations in social work and etc. Within the framework of international study week was held round table conferences, topical workshops and analysis of definite caseworks. The most significant aspect was regular interchange of experience in international groups. Master’s students could appreciate variety of concepts for social work, national traditions and law enforcement practice. All activities during the week were carried out in English. However well-disposed university staff and warm atmosphere created by all participants helped to overcome all language and national barriers.