Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Anastasiya Vybornova Анастасия Выборнова 38 №2 5. Office of guardianship of the Administration of the city Ufa of Bashkortostan Republic: Available at: http://opekaufa.ru/26- uncategorised/osnovnaya-deyatelnost/postinternat/53-podgotovka.html (accessed 18.10.2015). 6. Russian Federation. Laws. Presidential Decree of June 1, 2012 N 761 «The National Strategy for Action on Children in the 2012 - 2017 years» («Natsional'naya strategiya deystviy v interesakh detey na 2012–2017 gody»). Available at: http://base.garant.ru/70183566/#friends#ixzz3vYcAgvyK (accessed 6.11.2015). 7. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Available at: http://xn--80abucjiibhv9a.xn --p1ai/ (accessed 10.09.2015). 8. Tula city public human rights organization «For Human Rights». Available at: http://www.narodedin-tula.ru/ (accessed 26.11.2015). 9. Tula Regional Resource Center «Perspectivа». Available at: http://gu-perspektiva.ru/ (accessed 10.11.2015). 10. Tumova N. Farewell orphanage! (Proshchay, detdom!) // Newspaper «Teacher's Newspaper» («Uchitel'skaya gazeta»). Available at: http://www.ug.ru/archive/61958 (accessed 12.11.2015).