Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 37  advice on pedagogical, psychological and legal issues [4]. The State educational institution of the Tula region «Kireevsk Boarding School for Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care» implement the program of support for orphans, due to which there are positive changes in the adaptation of a leaver. This program consists of five stages. At the initial stage a portfolio of pupils is being formed. It contains some information about the academic achievement, obtained certificates, characteristics from the educators. The second stage is a professional training. The subsequent and equally important steps are: students’ visits to Moscow State University, the creation of social hotel in the boarding school, and conducting joint artistic activities. Complex of above – mentioned steps give rather good results in the preparation of orphans for independent family life. Itcontributes to: 1) the development of the social environment of pupil; 2) the establishment of his professional skills and, as a consequence, the right choice of the profession in the future; 3) improvement his knowledge of buildingown family; 4) the development of socio-domestic, socio-economic skills and the skills of independent housing; 5) Practical skills in meeting new people, making own thoughtful decisions and behaved correctly in conflict situations are to be worked on [1, p. 151-156]. Summing up, we can say that the measures of orphans’ support and preparation for an independent family life are formedin the Tula region. Generally, different programs are realized on the base of the organizations for the orphans and the children left without parental care, the institutions of primary and secondary education, the social service centers. We can note thatsuch system of interventions effects on eachindividual institution only positively. Although, this system has defects. Perhaps there is a problem in the lack of cooperation between government institutions. Thus, the whole situation in preparation of the orphans for independent family life in our area remains unsolved and requires special attention. References: 1. Aksenov A.M. The model of post-maintenance of orphans within the boarding school. Support of Orphans: modern challenges. Proceedings Interregional Research Conference (December 5-6, 2013, Kaluga) / Comp. I. A.Bobyleva. M.: Charity fund for social assistance to children «Spread Your Wings!», 2014. 314 p. 2. Bobyleva I. The development of post-maintenance regional models and leavers adaption to the conditions of independent life: analytical report. M.: FGNU WIS RAO, 2013. 109 p. 3. Litvinov D. The orphans from «Khrushchevka» (Siroty iz «khrushchevki») // Newspaper «The young kommunar» («Molodoy kommunar»). 09.10.2015. Available at: http://mk.tula.ru/articles/a/53719/?sphrase_id=1566888 (accessed 12.11.2015). 4. Mamcompany. Service «Social assistant». Available at: http://www.mamcompany.ru/forum/forum48/topic60868/ (accessed 22.11.2015).