Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Anastasiya Vybornova Анастасия Выборнова 36 №2 mothers, including leavers of boarding schools, soon to born a baby. I was an intern in this institution, and together with the social worker we conducted training sessions for these women. We talk about how to swaddle, bathe, feed the baby, what doctors you need to go, what vaccinations should do, as well as to watch over child’s healthin the future. In the Tula Regional Resource Center «Perspectivа» there is the department of post-maintenance. It organizes and carries out social adaptation ofboarding school leavers and children left without parental care. The goals and objectives of the department are focused on building unified, efficient regional system of post-maintenance. Specialists of the department conduct preventive work for leavers to removesocial maladjustment, protect their rights and legitimate interests, reveal negative factors of socialization in the process of adaptation during the period of post-maintenance and help to reduce their impact. The priority of the department is the social hostel accommodation for the leavers, who are under 23 years and have no specific place of residence. One of the areas the most prospective of work is the creation of the «Association of orphans and children left without parental care». Forms and methods of work:  Accounting and monitoring leavers of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care.  Methodical provision of post-maintenance professionals.  Development of individual support programs for leavers.  Admission of leavers, competent psychological, medical, educational and consulting services.  The provision of social services.  Conduct recreational activities for leavers [9]. The state institution of the Tula region «Complex Social Services Center of the City Tula» was created to operate the new service «Social assistant» which provides free social services at home for mothers with children from birth to 3 years of age. One of the categories of serviced residential institutions is a woman- leaver with a child under three years. The service offers:  assistance in child’s care;  short-term child’s care at home and during walks;  assistance in purchasing food, medicine and other essential commodities;  assistance during visit to a pediatrician;  assistance in payment of utility services;  assistance in social payments and documents;