Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 35 Each subject of the Russian Federation determined the directions and content of the activities to provide the post-maintenance for leavers and adapt the conditions for their independent life. Activities in this area: 1) are grouped in different regional and departmental programs in more than half of the regions (e.g., departmental target program «Social adaptation and support forleavers and children left without parental care», «Start to the Future» of the Kaluga region); 2) are included in the integrated regional programs for the development of the education (for example, «Development of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 2012-2016»); 3) are included in the target programs for the prevention of child abandonment, and the development of family forms (for example, the regional target program «Orphans» of the Kaliningrad region). The programs include the implementation of measures of social support for leavers of institutions, established by the federal and regional legislation, assistance in education, employment, housing, as well as psychological assistance [2, p. 11-12]. The experience of the Tula region isrepresented by the following organizations, which prepare orphansfor independent family life: Tula City Public Human Rights Organization «For Human Rights» conducts legal education, concerning urgent and frequent problems of life for poor and socially bad protected categories of citizens of the Tula region through free legal advice and training of the legislation. Any citizen can call to this organization and get help or advice in the form of a one-time consultation or in the form of personal meetings [8]. Tula Social College is another institution, helping orphans to get a profession, to support their life. The college offers three occupations: a computer operator, a tailor and a fitter-repairman. Students live there and study for two years. The learning process is realized during day-time and in the eveningthey can go to the gym. The orphans are provided by four times meals, academic and social scholarships. From the interview with the director of the college, we learned that children are taught such subjects as «family-study», «foundations of the family budget», «economics» for the girls, «conflict management». The orphans acquire socio- domestic, socio-economic and socio-pedagogical skills, through this comprehensive approach of studying.Analyzing the model of post-college students' adaptation, we have got the following results. At the time of graduation, 95% of leavers determine the motivation to enter the university. Among them, 50% (mostly girls) have the desire to make their own family. Many of the boys expressed their willingness firstly to serve in the army, and then build a family [3]. Tula «Crisis Center for Women» provides comprehensive support for those leavers of boarding schools, who are pregnant or are mothers. Our university is working in close cooperation with the «Crisis Center». A graduate of our department (now the social educator of the center) has developed the program «Mothers and Daughters», aimed at helping pregnant minors and