Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Anastasiya Vybornova Анастасия Выборнова 34 №2 appraise the current situation, inability to work or changing their behavior and demands, depending on the complications. According to the «National Strategy of Action for the Interests of Children for 2012-2017» in Russia 1.8% of all children are orphans. For example, in 2012 the federal bank had 120 thousand children, but their number has decreased by almost half, reaching 76 000 [10]. Every year, about 13 thousand orphans leave boarding schools. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, most of the leavers enter the institutions of primary (60%) and medium (24%) vocational education. Only 5% of young people study in higher education institutions, and the same number of them are employed [7]. Boarding-school leavers have problems with adaptation to the new social conditions outside their former institution. They have great difficulties in finding a job, housing; do not know how to communicate with adults, improve their life, keep their own budget, assert their legal rights. Unfortunately, in the state structure of social protection there is still no system of organized help to the orphans after leaving an orphanage or a boarding school. The problem is included in "closeness" of residential care and children's homes, limited contacts and constant emotional deprivation of their pupils. Orphans leave such places with a distorted self-awareness, inadequate self-esteem (underestimated or overestimated), undeveloped social intelligence, parasitism, ignorance and misunderstanding consumer aspects of life, heightened suggestibility, underestimated level of their own activity, unformed strong-willed personality. The National Strategy of Action for the Interests of Children for 2012-2017, approved by the Presidential Decree of June 1, 2012 № 761 (Section V «Equal opportunities for children in need of special care of the state»), one of the tasks is to create the system of support for boarding-school leavers, which helps socialization [6]. The technology of post-maintenance is aimed to solve this problem by interaction of various specialists with a child and his social environment. Moreover, it helps to create optimal conditions for his adaptation and socialization in the society [5]. Under this term we also understand the assistance to pupils overcome difficulties at the stage ofleaving the residential institution, promote adaptation of leavers for independent life, take into account individual and age features; restoration of old or the creation of new supportive relationships in a social network; formation of the graduate requirements for self- development, self-help, proactive strategy to overcome life difficulties and problems. For a teenager, who spent his childhood in the orphanage walls, making his own family is perhaps the most cherished dream. However, many are not ready for its building. Therefore, the leavers of boarding schools are more likely than their «family» peers to suffer a setback in this area. The absence of positive sample relations «parent-parent», «child-parent» leads to the shift of values orientation of orphans, complicates the construction of their own family or comes to a negative copy of parental models. The leavers of orphanages and boarding schools are often unable to make a prosperous family and save it.