Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 33 Anastasiya Vybornova Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University Department of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (1 year master's program) TRAINING ORPHANS FOR INDEPENDENT FAMILY LIFE Annotation: In the article is examined the problem of orphans’readiness to independent family life. The concept of post-maintenance opens up. The article is focused on description of the Tula regioninstitutions’experience. We distinguished the main legal, educational and social organizations offering a different help to the orphans and carrying out their preparation for life after leaving of a boarding-school. Аннотация: В статье рассматривается проблема готовности детей-сирот к самостоятельной семейной жизни. Раскрывается понятие постинтернатного сопровождения. Основной акцент статьи сделан на описание опыта работы учреждений Тульской области. Выделены основные юридические, образовательные и социальные организации, предлагающие различную помощь детям-сиротам и осуществляющие их подготовку к жизни после интерната. Key-words: orphans; children without parental care; a boarding school; the adaptation of orphans; the training of orphans; the post-maintenance. Ключевые слова: дети-сироты; дети, оставшиеся без попечения родителей; интернат; адаптация детей-сирот; подготовка детей-сирот; постинтернатное сопровождение. n September 1, 2015 in the Russian Federation came into force the government decree on the reorganization of children's homes and their gradual transformation into centers of family placement. Nevertheless, Russia still remains quite broad practice of education for orphans and children left without parental care in state institutions - orphanages and boarding – schools [10]. Upbringing and education of orphans in «nonfamily» conditions are actual socio-pedagogical problems. Children brought up in residential institutions, are often prone to apathy, consumerism and antisocial behavior. Many of them are not able to live on their own, build their family. According to statistical data, 81% of orphans begin their independent life before reaching adulthood (16-17 years). The gap between their perceptions of life and reality is visible in disability to O