Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Natalia Bulakh Наталья Булах 32 №2 for foster parents, for further process of socio-pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical maintenance. In «The Regional Resource Center «Perspektiva», within normal-law powers as one of the mechanisms of optimization of process of transfer and escort of the adopted child, it is developed and is being realized the additional educational program of professional development for the experts «Social work with a foster family». I am the author and the teacher of this program. The program purpose is to create professional competence of the experts who are carrying out the preparation and socio-pedagogical maintenance of families. Now there is an approbation process. However, at the first stage, it is possible to underline the activity of experts and their desire to be improved in this field. References: 1. About the approval of requirements to the contents of the program of training the persons wishing to adopt in their family the child, without parental care: The order of the Ministry of Education and Science // Russian Newspaper. 2012. 31 aug. Available at: http://rg.ru/2012/08/31/deti-dok.html (accessed 16.03.2016). 2. Family Code of the Russian Federation federal law: The State Duma 8 December 1995. SPb.: Staun – country, 2007. 94 p.