Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 31 Thirdly, foster families are more mobile in ensuring the rights of adopted children than foster home, because the solution of any standard and legal question doesn’t requires the agreement with authorized body, as in case with foster home, which is authorized by agencies of guardianship. It takes a long time period in Russia. In the fourth from social and economic positions of the state to provide the family with place material benefits is more favorable than to support residential establishments for orphans. Along side with the single-out advantages, the institute of a foster family has difficulties of norm-law regulation of social work with it.( However, despite all advantages of foster family, this institute has difficulties with legal and regulatory framework of social services. 1. The process of transfer of the child to a foster family in Russia has certain bureaucratic expenses. Therefore, the candidate for foster parents has to be ready for the long period of tests and confirmations on his compliance 2. Social work with candidates for foster parents is complicated by the accurate algorithm of interaction of the structures authorized bodies accompanying process of acceptance of the child isn't stated in standard and legal documents. 3. Professional competence of the experts realizing training of candidates for foster parents is often insufficient. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved program with recommendations for the experts realizing such preparations. The priority was allocated for social workers and social teachers. However, it doesn’t work in practice. Candidates for foster parents need to be considered not only from the position of educational process, but also from the position of social work: to build the confidential relations for further cooperation within the socio-pedagogical, psychology and pedagogical maintenance. As a rule, such preparation will be organized on the basis of higher educational institutions and institutes of professional development. 4. Despite positive development of branch of the foster family care in Russia the phenomenon of a secondary orphanhood, exists, it implies the return of a child from a foster family back to the state institution. Standard and legal documents doesn't ensure the debugged mechanism of identification of a wrong motivation of a family, a crisis situation or a conflict at early stages. Therefore, the question of children returning from foster families is rather actual. We consider that in this area of social work the problems of updating and specification of selection, assessment, transfer and maintenance technologies for a foster family and adoptive child are key problems. Their decision is possible only with accurately designated normative legal positions of the region or the subject of the federation on the directions: 1. The determination of powers, purposes and tasks of bodies, accompanying the process of transfer of a child to a foster family. 2. The adjustment of effective work of interdepartmental interaction. 3. The increase of efficiency of social work with a foster family by means of fixing to the centers of social service of the population the training of candidates