Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Natalia Bulakh Наталья Булах 30 №2 and obligations for protection of the rights and interests of this child between parents (if they aren't limited or aren't deprived of the parental rights), body of guardianship and trusteeship (authorized establishment) and the foster tutor. That is why the foster home isn't fully lawful representative of the child. The functions of the lawful representative are available both to the family, and to the service which transferred the child to the family. On the basis of the analysis of current legislation it is possible to speak about the following advantages of a foster home as a form of the family care of orphans, in comparison with other forms of paid and gratuitous guardianship. First of all, the foster family in standard acts is considered from the position of a professional family. The candidates for the foster family are obliged to be trained (at least 36 hours according to the program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) [1]. For the trustees and adoptive parents such preparation has advisory nature. That is why, foster parents are usually more successful in realization of upbringing potential of the family. As they possess profound knowledge in the field of age psychology, pedagogics, the theory of social work, which is necessary for upbringing of orphans and children without parental care. As a rule, the child has already had some social experience: a blood family or a boarding school that is reflected on behavior, perception of the world, valuable positions and execution of social roles. The motivation of adoptive parents «love you as our own» quite often leads to crisis in parent-child relationships: one start looking for the mistakes in themselves, others – in the child, blaming for «bad» genes of a blood family. The discrepancy between expectations, self-deception of parents often become the reason of children’ return. That’s why we consider professional character of a foster family as advantage. Secondly, social services consider the foster family as more open form than the tutorial one. With the families of adoptive parents the opportunity to use of technologies of maintenance, is excluded as the families want to keep secret of adoption. The experience of «The Regional Resource Center «Perspektiva» showed the following results of work with the families which accepted children. Selection consisted of 35 families, being on service, 20 of them were tutorial; 15 – receptions. Researches in «The regional resource center «Perspektiva» confirmed the general tendencies for Russia. 1. The child's other family members or close relatives do have rights to be notified as guardians for example, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles. Sometimes they are not ready to bring up a child, but close relations in such family may provoke negative (reaction) to intervention of social workers in conflict situations. 2. Foster families prove to be an active subject of social work. They address to the experts of social service for consultations more often than the others. They are open for communication, ready to pass their own experience and share problems with other foster families.