Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 29 4. National strategy of actions in the best interests of children for the years 2012-2017. Realization of children interest is clearly defined by purposes, tasks and the perspective directions of this strategy. Promoting of family forms of the device of orphan children is started. 5. The Federal Law «On basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation», 1998. The first law in the Russian Federation which proclaimed the interests of the child as priorities of the state. 6. The Federal Law «About Guardianship and Trusteeship», 2008. It governs the legal relations arising at a family after adoption of the child. 7. The Federal Law «About Bases of Social Service in the Russian Federation», 2013 is the main law defining assistance to the population. Help for children is always free. Foster families have the opportunity of psycho- pedagogical and socio-pedagogical maintenance of social services at each stage of the development. 8. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science «About the approval of requirements to the contents of the program of training the persons wishing to adopt in their family the child, without parental care...», 2012. The important document which obliged the candidates for foster parents to be trained. The family code of the Russian Federation defines the following forms of the foster family care: Adoption is a form of family education of the children deprived of parental guardianship with the establishment between adopted and adoptive person legal (personal and property) relations existing between parents and children. According to it, parents have the right to keep secret of adoption, to change a name and a surname of the child. Communication with a blood family or relatives is excluded [2, p. 71]. Guardianship is a form of the device of the juvenile citizens (who haven’t reached age of fourteen years) at which the citizens (guardians) appointed by guardianship and custody body are lawful representatives of wards and make from their name and in their interests all legally significant actions [2, p. 73]. Trusteeship is guardianship of children at the age of 14 years is a form of the device of minor citizens aged from fourteen till eighteen years at which the citizens (trustees) appointed by body of guardianship should render to minor wards assistance in implementation of their rights and the fulfillment of duties to protect minor wards from abuses of the third persons, and also to agree the full age wards to commete actions [2, p. 73]. Foster family. Guardianship can be paid or gratuitous. To gratuitous forms belongs guardianship itself. Guardianship belongs to gratuitous form and to the paid form we regard a foster home and a foster family. To the paid we regard a foster home and a foster family. Powers arise after signing the contract between the families and appropriate authorities. The fundamental difference between a foster home, an adoption, a guardianship and a foster family is the existence of differentiation of the rights