Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Natalia Bulakh Наталья Булах 28 №2 he had absolutely no relatives. In the case of orphanage, child is brought up in a foster family often. After the Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of Soviet power, not focused on the individual, but on a collective upbringing, that is why the practice of placing orphans in social and educational institutions became a priority of the Soviet Union. Great success in the field of collective education was achieved, for example, by world-renowned educator Anton Makarenko. Makarenko's ideas do not lose their relevance even now. In the world there are associations devoted to the study of his experience. In Germany there is such association too. First of all, we shouldn’t forget that, there was a huge number of homeless, neglected children and orphans after two wars and two revolutions in Soviet Russia. The best solution for their effective socialization was the system of mass educational institutions. Besides, as a rule, Makarenko had to deal with teens who still had the experience of living with a native family. Up until the 90's of the XX century in Russia the most effective educational and bringing up institution for orphans was considered a boarding school. Boarding school for orphans is a closed institution where children were on full state support, received their secondary education up to the age of majority. Their contacts with the outside world were limited. Owing to the specifics of foreign policy of the USSR the results of the researching of the foreign colleagues weren't studied used by the Russian teacher. For example, John Bowlby's researching and his theory of attachment. According to it, the domestic psychology and pedagogical science came to the reconsideration of ideas of residential education only in 1990s of the XX century, when faced with mass negative results of the collective closed education: reproduction by orphans and leavers of boarding schools, in the families of their own the scenario of an orphanhood; low attachment to the existence in society; criminalization. The new round of the development of family policy for orphans and children without parental care in the Russian Federation changes end of the XX century when fundamental standard and legal documents were accepted and ratified: 1. Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989. 2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, 1993 is the main document in hierarchy of the Russian law which proclaimed the Russian Federation as the social state. 3. Family Code of the Russian Federation, 1995 is the main codified regulatory legal act, governing family relations within the territory of the Russian Federation. Article 54. Each child has the right to live and to be brought up in a family as far as it is possible, the right to know parents, the right for their care, the right for accommodation joint with them, except cases when it contradicts his interests. For the first time, there was introduced the concept «foster family».