Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 25 advanced ideas, that I would like to adapt and to follow hers experience in social work practice! My first impression about city Mainz – this city is like Bologna, because these both cities are similar to the Students World – allurements of large cities! In my turn, ‘Thank you so much!’ to Nunnery, Pension, Conference center & Hotel “Haus Maria Frieden”, in Mainz! I should like to go there, on later with motivated visit! As well as, ‘Thank you so much!’ to: Mag. Art. M.A. Patricia Missler, Prof. Ruth Remmel Faßbender, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hermsen and Dr. Elke Bruck – for planning, organizing and managing “The 1 th International Study Week 2015 “Integrated Intervention Concepts for Families with Complex Problem Areas” ” and for possibility could be in the trip to Mainz, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt am Main – with visit to the “Christmas Market”! Of course, my unfeigned ‘Thank you!’ to my colleagues –from Riga Stradins university – lecturer Marika Smirnova and course-mate Veronica Lawrence, who was with me as support base! The following topics were covered during study week: 1) Theoretical building blocks: Families in precarious living circumstances; 2) Interdisciplinary intervention concepts, aiming towards support of families; 3) Socio-political developments; 4) Case studies on goals and possible courses of action in an International comparison; 5) Promotion of health in burdened families. The International Study week took place – as a cooperation between the falling partner universities and the Mainz Catholic University of Applied Sciences! For their part, each participant got 6 Credit Points according to the 4 ECTS, were given for motivated attendance and active participation in this International Study week in Mainz ! Therefore, ‘Thank you so much’ – for professional learning process (materials, work in groups, performance & presentations), exchange of experience, international cooperation between a lecturer`s, students and partner universities: Riga Stradins university (Latvia); St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social work (The Russian Federation); Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical university (Russian Feder ation); Warsaw Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski university (Poland); Mainz Catholic University of Applied Sciences (Germany). It’s a true worth of friendship and cooperation! I got the invitation to do this during the study carrying time and I was so happy,that it was me to do this honorable student job – responsibility and honour. I will be open– I was so proud, now too! Благодарность & рефлексия: «Хотелось бы выразить огромную благодарность за уникальную возможность участия, плодотворную работу, сотрудничество и обмен опытом на неделе международного образования, которая проводилась с 6 по 13 декабря 2015 года в Майнце. Эти перемежающиеся дни научно- исследовательского процесса с отдыхом и экскурсией, были ценным приключением и международным опытом (масштабный строи знаний), особенно этот первый, неописуемый полёт в жизни – в Германию!