Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Maira Baltiña Майра Балтиня 22 №2 Focus Areas of Support:  Services are targeted to individual child and family needs  Family counseling  Parenting and other skills training  Housing assistance  Family budgeting  Stress management  Health/nutrition  Child development  Behavior management  Respite care for caregivers  Financial assistance Strengthening Families is an integral part of the work of the Center for the Study of Social Policy. Thriving children and families is our mission. We believe that this is achieved by building protective factors, reducing risk and creating opportunities for families. Our particular everyday role is building capacity to do these things through community change, systems change and policy change. Four lenses frame all of our social work: results based analysis, ecological perspective, race equity and social justice and co-invested constituents. Families, however, see services as a very small part of the many opportunities that exist in their communities, where much of the work of building protective factors is underway every day. With Strengthening Families, it’s easier for service systems to align with the community opportunities that are critical to success for any family.