Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 21  Low level of education: 1) prevents the possibility for parents to adapt and compete in the job market, 2) parents with low-level education affect children's learning and the number of children who do not attend school. 75% of children do not attend school because of social reasons.  Health problems: Lack of health care, lack of material resources result in neglected personal health and insufficient health protection. Difficulties with transport to rural families to receive medical care. Delayed diagnosis and treatment of disease, which complicates further treatment.  Low state family benefits: Social Security Code, in the chapter "Family Allowance" recommended that the state allowance for families with children must be 15% of the minimum wage, due to lack of funds Latvia is currently unable to fulfill this. Amount of allowance does not cover the necessary funds for children's education and upbringing. Often, for families with children State benefits is the only financial income.  Housing policy and rent: Socially vulnerable families with children due to poor income are unable to pay rent and utilities. Families with children are evicted from their apartments, if are not taken into account the child's right established by the Children's Rights Protection Law, and the Law on Orphan's Courts and Parish and are forced to live in unsuitable living conditions.  Transport facilities in rural areas : socially disadvantaged families have difficulty in entering the institutions and bodies, which are located only in regional centers, such as a psychologist, medical services, family support and counseling centers, etc. Public transport services are increasingly expensive. Transport problem also limits the opportunities for the rural population to seek employment and work in urban areas. Family Preservation Services (FPS) are comprehensive, short term, intensive services for families delivered primarily in the home. The services are designed to prevent the unnecessary out-of-home placement of children or to promote family reunion. (National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice, 1994) They are “services for children and families designed to help families (including adoptive and extended families) at risk or in crisis.” Family support services are community-based services that assist and support parents in their role as caregivers. Family support services promote parental competency and healthy child development by helping parents enhance their strengths and resolve problems that can lead to child maltreatment, developmental delays, and family disruption.