Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Maira Baltiña Майра Балтиня 20 №2 and using the aids in order to improve mobility and self-relience. In order to receive the service, one must apply to the Municipal social service. Orphan's Courts and district court activity statistical information on disadvantaged families in Latvia: The transition to new economic relations has affected the living standards of citizens. Social consequences, for the family caused by the inability to adapt to changing social and economic conditions are already being felt in the community. Is it just an individual family problem or can we identify some common trends in society? To answer this question, the changes should be looked at in the broader context. Globalization now takes place all over the world, including Latvia. Globalization can be evaluated and described as the process by which people, organizations, markets, technology, finance and information are linked in one overall network across national borders. This process can result in creating products and ideas. To be able to understand the impact of globalization on the development of social problems for high social-risk families and the problems of interaction, it is important to identify both positive and negative social and family changes taking place in the context of globalization. Disadvantaged Families: Various institutions and specialists have different interpretations of social risk or disadvantaged familiesas a definition. Child protection professionals and social workers provide child protection support in assessing the child's care and upbringing conditions, according to the regulatory norms and professional expertise. Social risk family may be defined as: families with difficult problems to be solved and limited ability to provide favorable living conditions for full development of all family members. Social problems may relate to:  Family formation, development or breakdown (single-parent, large, with children or elderly people with disabilities, etc.)  Conditions affecting the state and society (low-income families, families with poor living conditions of refugee families, unemployed families, etc.)  Conditions affected by internal factors, family members’ asocial behavior: alcoholism, drug addiction, delinquency, etc.  Typical factors that affect the “problem families” and the emergence of family problems:  Unemployment: Family breadwinners – unemployed parents - are unable to ensure the livelihood of the family, the children.