Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Maira Baltiña Майра Балтиня 18 №2 ‘underwater stones of a peristalith’ – a different dependence; violence; unemployment; low or medium welfare; criminality; demography; emigration & immigration crisis; social policy; environmental change; values change; intelligentsia; the couple & parent`s divorce; unparented children ; business objectives of parents; meaning of the life & ideology; educational level; preliminary experience; different relationships; social mobility; upbringing & family models; protection of children`s rights; human rights; roles, rights and responsibility of parents; complex and combined problems in the social , political, legal and cultural spheres; interindividual conflicts; communication management; under mass media influence; terrorism menace; etc.”  Social rehabilitation – A set of activities aimed at rehabilitation and improving the functional capability of people and their inclusion in the society. Social rehabilitation measures are very extensive. The aim is to reintegrate clients back into the work environment.  Disadvantaged/ dysfunctional family – marked by a deprived home environment especially of the necessities of life or healthy environmental influences; examples: a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, family unable to provide for its members financially, family that is unsupportive or abusive to each other.  Social Work with dysfunctional Families – Social work practice is guided by an established set of ethical standards. Social workers might find themselves in a dilemma, when a client accuses them of a breach of those standards. » In many cases: Dysfunctional family systems can be improved with appropriate support structures. The goal of family preservation services is to maintain children within their families, or to reunite them, whenever it can be done safely. » Family support and preservation services may be provided to different types of families involved with the child welfare system – birth or biological families, kinship families, foster families, and adoptive families – to enhance family functioning and to ensure child safety. » In family support and preservation services, the worker assists the family in identifying strengths, needs, and current resources in order to create a plan to address their concerns and help them achieve their goals. » Assessment is incorporated throughout the process and may take a number of different forms, but always with the family as partners in the process.  Disadvantaged families – they put free-living – their plans (the margin of survival) into harsh practice, which are against a dark background of society. From society – their attitude to disadvantaged families is disdainful, incomprehensible and also charitable. To these families - necessity of help, give them feeling a survival of the fittest by Darwinism– the battle of life and population menace. It’s a ‘crying injustice’! We know them how a socio-cultural, socio-economical and socio-political periphery, the consumer society, marginalization and families at social risk group, when these families can feel ignorance of people, the class society continuation period and disequilibrium between each people relationships. But also these families – each and all – are the part of society and life, which are not