Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 17 Maira Baltiña Riga Stradins university (Republic of Latvia) Faculty of Public health and Social welfare A program of professional Master studies “Social work”, 2 nd year SOCIAL REHABILITATION FOR DISADVANTAGED FAMILIES Annotation: In family support and preservation services, the worker assists the family in identifying strengths, needs, and current resources in order to create a plan to address their concerns and help them achieve their goals. Dysfunctional and disadvantaged family systems can be improved with appropriate support structures. The goal of family preservation services is to maintain children within their families, or to reunite them, whenever it can be done safely. A set of activities aimed at rehabilitation and improving the functional capability of people and their inclusion in the society. Social rehabilitation measures are very extensive. The aim is to reintegrate clients back into the work environment. Disadvantaged families marked by a deprived home environment especially of the necessities of life or healthy environmental influences; examples: a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, family unable to provide for its members financially, family that is unsupportive or abusive to each other. We believe the future of SF is in creating a “new normal” for child and family serving organizations and systems, so that they see their work as building protective and promoting factors to reduce the potential for child maltreatment, to bolster resilience and mitigate the impact of traumatic events when they occur, AND to create the best possible environment for development of children and youth. Keywords: social rehabilitation, disadvantaged families. first, I want to instruct in the explanation of terms, may should have informed you more easily about social rehabilitation for disadvantaged families, by Latvian practice. This theme is very burning question, when everybody to think about life, evolution, the future and survival, have some financial difficulties – a rough time for the culture and household needs. Families problems are like a ‘decuman wave’, when only together we can to help them: to understand, to provide, to protect and to implement their rights, special needs and wishes. Because between the all families problems are also “At