Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 13 primary carer, usually the mother. In a control group without corresponding support, the figure was just 45 percent. With 40 percent of the control group children aged 24 months, all forms of organised bonding behaviour appeared to collapse. However, in the intervention group only 13 percent exhibited this alarming behaviour. It was possible to set important foundations for successful parenting here. 11 The Catholic University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, is heading up the current evaluation of the use of family midwives in the Catholic Women's Welfare Service (SKF). The institute for social educational research in Mainz (ism) 12 and the German Caritas association have evaluated the implementation of a wide range of practical concepts for early prevention and have developed conceptual changes, as well as new projects, as a result of this. 13 Qualification of the employees The Catholic University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, designed and implemented further training for full-time employees in 2013. The advanced training course encompassed seven symposium days. The teaching material covered developmental psychological findings and bonding theories, the detection and diagnosis of risks within families, the improved interlinking of assistance services, as well as legal aspects. Responsible, professional actions are dependent on sound knowledge, methodological expertise, and significantly also on the attitude of the individual. The participants received a university certificate. Over 80 full-time specialist workers have undertaken further training in this area of family support projects over the past three years. This has allowed them to take valuable stimuli with them for their work, whilst also establishing new or solidifying existing networks with each other. Voluntary workers are also prepared for their work through training courses, and supported by full-time employees. A focus lies not only on the specialist inputs but also on clarification of and reflection on the role within the family, as well as clarification of the personal motivation to provide assistance, and the recognition and acceptance of boundaries. A regional "liaison office" exists. This offers the possibility of making a contribution to ensuring that families receive tailored support from the outset. The liaison office acts as a hinge between the healthcare system, nurseries and advisory services, full-time and voluntary workers. The target groups of the liaison office are the expectant parents themselves, as well as the various professional groups from healthcare and nurseries, who are in contact with the families and determine support needs. A further need for qualification exists in the aforementioned specific advisory requirements 14 , in order that the feeling that prevails in some particularly strained families, of exclusion and the incompetence of the individual themselves, is not further exacerbated by the support, but is instead positively 11 See also Pott (2011) and Suess, / Bohlen / Mali / Maier, A. (2010) 12 Liebhardt H. et al (2012), evaluation of the project "Frühe Hilfen in der Caritas" of the German Caritas association, interim report dated 27.01.2012 13 Kaesehagen-Schwehn/Ziegenhain (2014) and http://www.ism-mz.de/home/fruehe-hilfen- familienbildung.html 14 This can also be a culture-sensitive advisory qualification and attitude, depending on the target group.