Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 11 communication cultures, any negative prior experiences or preconceptions of support systems may conflict with each other. Family mentoring Family mentoring encompasses outreach services in which volunteers provide long-term support to families as family mentors, in order to provide relief to them. The focus of family mentoring may be the parents or the children, or both. Family mentoring is also a very low-threshold and supportive service, which is intended to assist young families in performing their upbringing responsibility and overcoming everyday family life. The Catholic Women's Welfare Service (SKF) in Mainz has developed a project for families with a migrant background. The mentoring project is called "Migrants for Migrants". It is intended that support be provided here to young families in particular with a migrant background. Migrant families often face major challenges despite their desire to integrate. They require confidence in interacting in German, social contacts, access to cultural and educational facilities, help in dealing with the authorities. Added to this come everyday tasks and requirements. Initial results show that individuals from a similar culture (ideally from the same country of origin) are accepted more quickly and easily by the families . It is possible to build on familiar elements and commonalities where applicable. 8 Critical opinions expressed about the project emphasize that the aim must be integration into German society and that families with a migrant background could culturally isolate themselves on a permanent basis through such projects. The "Family midwives" project is examined in greater detail in the following, as an exemplary illustration of the preventative orientation of early prevention . Family midwives Family midwives are always qualified midwives with a number of years of professional experience and an additional social education qualification as a family midwife, in accordance with the curriculum of the NZFH. The (expectant) parents initiate the involvement of a family midwife, and this takes place on a voluntary basis in the same way as original midwifery. Following on from model projects (2006-2009) in maternity clinics in Rhineland Palatinate, intended to sensitise employees to the special support needs of families, an instrument was developed for systematic screening. Possible support requirements and risks can be captured through this. Within the framework of early prevention , it is intended that all maternity clinics in Rhineland Palatinate utilise this instrument. Family midwives can therefore talk with families after the birth, and offer their assistance. Contact is often also established via the prenatal consultancy units, or through gynaecologists, youth welfare offices and nurseries. The aim is to reach out to the women and families as early as possible during the pregnancy, although no later than directly after the birth. 8 http://www.skf-mainz.de/Downloads/Familienpaten.pdf; http://www.bistummainz.de/pfarreien/dekanat-mainz- stadt/ehrenamt/projekte/familienpate.html