Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Ruth Remmel-Faßbender Рут Реммель-Фасбендер 10 №2 Previous experience has shown that the various support services must be specifically coordinated, in order to be useful. Families should not be offered a random, colourful mixture, but rather precisely what they require in their situation. Specialists, in particular prenatal, life counselling and upbringing advisory organisations, as well as midwives, family education facilities, nurseries, local church workers, collaborate and seek interfaces for common work. For this purpose the respective employees must be in close contact with each other, and must know what services the other respective organisation provides. It is then possible for positive synergy effects to arise, and optimisation of the support is facilitated through various specialist services. Project diversity In order to establish early prevention as effective and preventative support services, numerous model projects have been funded in the states, within the framework of the action programme " Frühe Hilfen für Eltern und Kinder und Soziale Frühwarnsysteme" [ early prevention for parents and children and social early warning systems]. A number of central projects are cited here with further sources, e.g. "A Good Start to Life" (project for the early promotion of parental child-raising and relationship skills in precarious life circumstances and risk situations) 6 , "Steps towards effective and enjoyable parenting" 7 (project for promoting and reinforcing upbringing skills). Creative ideas are implemented on a regional basis, such as "tandem mothers" (Caritas Mainz), whereby experienced mothers support women who have just had a child and receive no further familial support. Additional assistance services are voluntary visiting and mentoring services. The aim is to provide families with additional needs with support at an early stage, in the form of a specific individual with whom they can develop genuine trust, so that sound development of the child can be achieved through the cooperation between family and professional assistance providers. This is often an arduous and professionally highly challenging process - requiring ongoing consideration - that demands time and transparent actions. Varying measures of value and perspectives, target collisions, alternative education approaches, differing 6 http://www.uniklinik-ulm.de/struktur/kliniken/kinder-und- jugendpsychiatriepsychotherapie/home/forschung/forschungsprojekte/guter-start-ins- kinderleben.html 7 http://www.fh-potsdam.de/informieren/aktuelles/news-detailansicht/artikel/wie-elternschaft- gelingt-1/