Время Науки. 2015. Выпуск 4 - The Times of Science

Romashina E. Yu. Е. Ю. Ромашина №4 the problems of modern science and education. We strive to provide favor- able conditions for each student in developing his research capability. We hope for your interest in supporting us. We promise everyone, who is ready to join us that you face difficul- ties, but it is going to be entertaining. We guarantee the high level of self- dependence and responsibility, an access to the modern informational technologies, acquaintance with actual concepts and ideas, the newest ap- proaches in organization of scientific researches, communication with the best academics and scientists and flexibility in realization the most coura- geous scientific intentions. We welcome diversity and innovative approaches to solving prob- lems. This e -journal is opened for discussions and free exchange of views, which based on the scientific principles and mutual respect. We invite you to contact us for any explanations and advice. We strive to involve each student in scientific researches, to help those, who have difficulties, to support talented and diligent students. We take responsibility for authenticity and quality of the published materials, suspension and validity of the proposed solutions, effectiveness of our consulting and educational activities. We use our educational and scientific research experience to spread the accumulated learning and ways of activity. However, we are open for innovations and ready for realization of new opportunities. The authors deliberately choose honesty and integrity; therefore do not accept plagia- rism and unoriginal articles. We hope that you - the students and masters - will be a real research- ers in the future. Let our journal will be your starting point to the "big science". Good luck! Editor- in- chief Dr. Ekaterina Yu. Romashina