Время Науки. 2015. Выпуск 4 - The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2015 Everything that enlarges the sphere of human powers that shows man he can do what he thought he could not do, is valuable. Ben Johnson Dear colleagues and friends! Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University is primarily aimed to identify and support the most talented, socially active, gifted students and encourage them taking an active part in a scientific research. We try to involve students in the organization and participation in Russian and foreign scientific conferences, seminars, intellectual contests, competitions and traineeships during all periods of studying at our university. The students, who have joined a science community of the university also have an opportunity to be well informed about the most current researches and to make a contribution in developing any scientific field. Our university actively develops and supports the initiatives in creation of the new students’ research associations, task groups and project laboratories. Students represent the results received during these researches at different scientific events and get the organizational and grant support. Over the time the most successful students become our colleagues and get the position in educational and scientific university departments. Open professional and academic communication based on the informational technologies are formed in Russia now. The creative initiative of the student science periodical e-journal «Vremya nauki. The Times of Science» is our aspiration to enhance and strengthen this process. The purpose of our e-journal consists in acquisition and improvement of skills and competence of young scientists in their independent research as well as educational activities of this scientific edition for potential members of the editorial Board’s. We hope you will be interested in this project. Believe in yourself and you will achieve a great success. Vladimir Panin Professor, Dr. Sci. (Phys.–Math.), Rector of Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University