Время Науки. 2014. Выпуск 4 - The Times of Science

Surzhyk A. V. А.В Суржик training program. Culture: Differences? Diversity! is an example of a comprehensive in- service/preservice training program developed for special education personnel at Kirovohrad Flight Academy academy. The training resource includes activities that lead personnel, over time, through the sequential stages of cultural awareness (beginning with self-awareness), understanding differences, appreciating diversity, valuing diversity, grid a commitment to the maintenance of diversity. A key component of this resource is its adaptability. As we can see, it is imperative that we establish systematic retraining programs for special educators, for a multicultural perspective. It is suggested that we are to reduce or eliminate the barriers to equal educational opportunities and experiences for foreign student disabled. Three essentials of high-quality programming (both preservice and in service) are positive perceptions and attitudes of trainers concerning multicultural training, adequate qualifications of trainers, and the provision of ongoing multicultural education training. REFERENCES 1. Banks, J.A. Multicultural education. Boston: Ally& Bacon. – 1989, pp.2-26. 2. Beeman, P.N. School stress and anxiety: Theory, research and intervention. New York: Human Sciences Press. 1978. – 345p. 3. Gardner, H. Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligence. New York: BasicBooks. 1983. – 241p. 4. Rueda, R.,&Prieto, A. G. Cultural pluralism: Implications for teacher education. Teacher Education and Special Education. 1979. – pp.4-11.