Время Науки. 2014. Выпуск 3 - The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science В качестве иллюстрации мы предлагаем отрывок из специализированного текста на авиационную тематику, который использовался нами во время одного из внеаудиторных занятий: «The short runway was familiar, but the big new bizjet was not» by Marc Lacagnina The pilots had flown into Fox Harbour Aerodrome in Nova Scotia many times. The runway is short, and the customary procedure was to drop below the visual flight path indication on short final approach to maximize the available roll-out distance after touchdown. In the afternoon of Nov. 11, 2007, the pilots employed this familiar procedure in an unfamiliar aircraft, a Bombardier Global 5000 that had been acquired by their company only three weeks earlier. Accustomed to flying smaller jets, they had not adjusted fully to the new aircraft according to the Transportation Safety Board of Canada. The glide path was too shallow for the bigger aircraft, and the captain held an inordinate right-wing-low crosswind correction on short final approach. The aircraft began to sink, and the captain corrected by increasing angle of attack. He left the throttles at idle, however. The aircraft continued to sink, and the right main landing gear collapsed when it struck the edge of the runway threshold. After travelling a short distance with the right wing dragging on the runway, the aircraft veered off the pavement, struck mounds of dirt and came to a stop near a housing complex. The aircraft was substantially damaged, but there was no fire. The first officer and a passenger were seriously injured; the captain and the seven other passengers sustained minor injuries Приведенный пример текста предоставляет возможность курсантам (пилотам и диспетчерам) выполнять разнообразные задания, направленные на развитие чтения, произношения, аудирования, на непосредственное погружение в профессиональную, смоделированную лично курсантами,