Время Науки. 2014. Выпуск 2 - The Times of Science

Ivanova S.Y., Fung Tkhi Ngok An С. Ю. Иванова, Фунг Тхи Нгок Ань 72 2014 and writing with a Vietnamese teacher, but speaking and listening with a foreigner. Then, children learn a foreign language through exposure and get acquainted with the natives, who will bring greater efficiency, for instance: the use of words, accent, and moreover, will help children form sharp reflexes of language usage. Besides, recruiting teachers with professional qualifications is compulsory and creates opportunities for them to attend a refresher course in their native country. Building a stable foundation for any future generations is never meaningless. Thirdly, teaching methods should be changed to be more active and communicative. Students in Vietnam often study passively, for example: a teacher’s explained new material to the students, the latter often write it down and get into trouble: they are afraid to reveal their problems as well as ideas at that time. Some students ask their teacher at the end of the class, and this causes many disadvantages (not important to everyone, requires more time), the rest will find answers from other sources. Moreover, long studying time and poor lessons distract students. Teachers should find some new ways, new methods to gain students’ interest like studying and playing at the same time what leads to comfortable atmosphere in the class. In addition, both students’ parents and their teacher must neither put students under pressure nor pursue mere excellent marks since school knowledge is applied to reality, not to a paper. We reckon teachers should not give students a large amount of homework; everything should be solved in class to achieve good results. Lastly, schools and universities should organize language clubs at weekends for instance, to let students have more chances to practice languages. Weekend clubs would create comfortable atmosphere and help a lot to our mind. With national pride, everyone wants their country to be respected in the world. To achieve that, a country needs to possess a comprehensive vision of education, solid and indispensable preparation to raise the issue of human dignity. This is the certain principle for survival and prosperity of any nation. Investment in education runs no risk like doing business. Longing for our bright future requires making plans and implementing them rather than sitting passively on hands.