Время Науки. 2014. Выпуск 2 - The Times of Science

Ivanova S.Y., Fung Tkhi Ngok An С. Ю. Иванова, Фунг Тхи Нгок Ань 70 2014 L Иванова Светлана Юрьевна Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н. Толстого аспирант (4 год обучения) Фунг Тхи Нгок Ань Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н. Толстого международный факультет(1 курс) СHANGING VIETNAMESE PROCESS OF STUDYING FOREIGN LANGUAGES FOR THE BETTER Аннотация: Статья представляет собой попытку переосмыслить существующую традицию обучения иностранным языкам во Вьетнаме. Авторы предлагают свое видение возможности ее изменения в целях достижения наилучших результатов. Ключевые слова: Вьетнам, образование, мотивация, спрос на образовательные услуги Abstract: The article touches upon the Vietnamese model of teaching foreign languages. It presents some ideas to make it work more efficient. Keywords: Key words: Vietnam, education, motivation, demand for educational services. earning foreign languages has become an essential demand for many people, especially in Vietnam – the country which is in the trend of integration now. Foreign languages are concerned with indispensable preparation for the youth. And in international relations field, to mutual understanding and mutual cooperation, partners have to communicate proficiently. If parties to negotiation cannot come to an agreement speaking directly to each other their own language, they sometimes have to use the language of the third country to express themselves. Language and cultural barrier are the main problems of international relations. Therefore, knowing foreign languages is very important for widening international relationships. Language is not only a tool, which helps people communicate with each other, but also a means, which helps to approach certain understanding of culture of other nation or country. Likewise, a nation having literate citizens who know different languages may help greatly in communicating within the multi- cultural world. Vietnamese government realizes it and undertakes the task of educating its