
| #Ученичество. 2022. Вып. 2 | #Apprenticeship. 2022. Issue 2 7 Scientific Article UDC 378.046.4:004(470.312) INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO LEARNING UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN TULA OBLAST EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Abstract . : In the context of digital transformation of the economy and society, modern teacher education faces a constant search for ways, methods and tools to improve the efficiency and quality of teaching. The authors see the solution to the challenge in the purposeful introduction of digital technologies and services into the professional activities of IT teachers. The article presents the results of the research work carried out within the frames of the state task 073-03-2022-117/3 dated 11.04.2022 by the Russian Ministry of Education on the topic "Innovative approaches to the professional training of IT teachers in the conditions of the society digitalization." Based on the analysis of normative documents, recommendations, studies in the field of education digitalization, the article shows the relevance of the above-mentioned issues and demonstrates ways of its solution through the development, implementation and replication of the concept of innovative IT teacher training within the digital transformation of society. The paper presents the content of additional professional development programme for IT teachers "Innovative approaches to teaching in conditions of implementation of IT human resources training ecosystem in educational organizations of Tula Oblast". The article also analyzes the results of surveys of IT teachers and teachers of vocational schools to assess the use of innovative educational technologies in school practice and to identify challenges and difficulties faced by teachers when using modern digital tools and facilities. Keywords: digital teaching tools, innovative approaches to teaching, the concept of innovative teacher training, digital didactics © Богатырева Ю. И., Николаева А. М., 2022 © Bogatyreva Y. I., Nikolaeva A. M., 2022 Введение . Современное педагогическое образование, развиваясь в условиях цифровой трансформации, находится в постоянном поиске новых методов, путей и механизмов, которые позволят учителю обеспечить качество обучения, а всей системе образования выйти на высокий мировой уровень. В настоящее время существует острая необходимость изменения подходов к профессиональной подготовке будущих учителей. Активные процессы цифровизации образования, современные вызовы общества актуализировали проблему недостатка кадрового состава и содержательного наполнения профессиональной подготовки, в том числе учителей информатики. Это относится как к необходимому Тульскому региону количеству педагогов, так и к несоответствующему современным требованиям качеству и уровню подготовки учителей информатики. Y. I. Bogatyreva Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University Tula, Russia e-mail : bogatirevadj@yandex.ru A. M. Nikolaeva Teaching assistant Institute of Advanced Information Technologies Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University Tula, Russia e-mail : aniuta.makarova1997@yandex.ru