Записки научных семинаров Тульской школы теории чисел. Вып. 1. 2022 г.

58 THE EDITORIAL BOARD e-mail: ivaleryi@mail.ru Nurguleyev Damir Abdulganovich — candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University (Tula). e-mail: dan@tsput.ru Tolokonnikov Lev Alekseevich — doctor of the physical and mathematical sciences, professor, Tula State University (Tula). e-mail: tolokonnikovla@mail.ru Chirsky Vladimir Grigoryevich — doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, head of number theory’s chair of the Moscow Pedagogical State University; professor of the mechanics and mathematics faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Tula). e-mail: vgchirskii@yandex.ru