88 apply to couriers in Uber’s food delivery business and to drivers in other countries (where they will still be considered self-employed). Also, some people believe that this will lead to higher prices for taxi services. But the author stresses out that still this change is intended to significantly affect the entire gig economy. Over time, all companies in this area will have to accept these changes, otherwise they simply will not be able to compete with Uber and pro- vide their services on the ride-hailing market. The article concludes that the decree of the UK court concerning the status of workers to all the Uber drivers is certainly very beneficial for employees. Of course, not all companies are ready to accept this change and implement it into their work. Even so, this decision is a big leap for the development of the entire industry of ride- hailing. Words and word-combinations frequently found in the Introduction The article is headlined…./The article headlined/entitled (…) was published (written by)… Cтатья озаглавлена…/Статья озаглавленная (…), была напечатана (написана)… The article looks at/is about/is concerned with/deals with/describes/is devoted to/says В статье рассматривает- ся/Статья посвящена/касает- ся/В статье говорится/ The author in his (her) article (headlined) says/argues/asserts/suggests/claims/questions/explains Denies/proves/disproves/comes out with the idea/ brings home to the reader that… Автор в свое статье (озаглавленное) утвержда- ет/подвергает сомнению/ объ- ясняет/ отрицает/ доказывает/ опровергает/сообщает/доводит до читателей… Words and word-combinations suitable for the Body paragraphs The article goes on to sat (who, when, where, what, why, etc.)… Далее в статье сообщается (кто, когда, где, что, почему и т.д.) According to the article the author)… В соответствии со статьей (со- гласно автору).. The article (author) stresses/points out/emphasizes/ reminds the reader of (that) draws attention to the fact that… Статья (автор) подчеркивает/ напоминает читателю о (что)… The author supports his or her idea by comparing/contrasting/telling the reader/explaining/illustrating/demonstrating/ defining/describing/listing… Автор подтверждает свою мысль, сравнивая/противопоставляю/ со- общая читателям/ объясняя/ давая в качестве примера/ указывая/ определяя/ описывая/ перечисляя The author’s purpose is to show/point out/suggest/ inform/ argue/ persuade/ convince/ compare Автор показывает (стремится по- казать)/ указывает/ предполагает/ информирует /стремится убедить / сравнивает