123 One more platform where teachers can participate in MOOCs is Coursera. https://www.coursera.org/ This platform provides a lot of free courses. A lot of well- known universities open their courses on this platform. Capture of https://www.coursera.org/ When we talk about self-learning and professional development, we should re- member about participation in TAGs. A TAG is a teacher activity groups. They can be regional, school, on-line, teacher clubs, etc. One of the most popular among Belarusian teachers are – Teaching English in Belarus. – Teaching English in Belarusian Schools These two groups teachers can join on Facebook ESL Teachers usually are interested in international programs of exchange. In Belarus the leader of such programs is the American Embassy. Each year our teach- ers have an opportunity to participate in such programs. They are absolutely free. Each year teachers can participate in The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program. In our article we’ve given a glimpse on different ways of continuing profession- al development and it’s very important to participate in all events voluntary and think about personal motivation and have a clear goal. We are sure that we have a lot of opportunities in Belarus for professional development. So, we wish all teachers find motivation, set goals and achieve them to become best teachers ever.