122 American English site https://americanenglish.state.gov/ also provides teachers with a lot of useful information and resources for different purpose. All materials, as in the British Council site, are logically divided into sections. There teachers can find information for learning and teaching English, participate in webinars, share and read articles. Moreover, it is a resource center for teaching and learning American English, culture, traditions. There teachers have to choose “Teacher’s corner” section, and there you can find a wide choice of courses. Capture of https://americanenglish.state.gov/ As we see, all the websites have a wide choice of resources, lesson-plans, addi- tional materials, webinars and what is more interesting – MOOCs. In general, MOOC is Massive Open Online Course, it’s usually free. People have to do assignments, and if they succeed they’ll be given a certificate or a badge. Of course it takes time and they have to do a lot. The greatest benefits that MOOCs are 1. Free. 2. Flexible (both time and location). 3. Adaptable (content is available to be modified and remixed in different ways and adapted for a particular needs and situations). 4. Useful as a classroom resource. 5. Ongoing 24/7. The example of the results of the MOOC