119 PROFESSIONAL INTERNET SOURCES AS A WAY OF ENGLISH TEACHERS’ SELF-LEARNING AND CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Т. С. Цыдик Средняя школа № 19 г. Гродно (Республика Беларусь) Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме самообразования учителей ан- глийского языка, способах самообразования для совершенствования професси- ональной компетентности педагогов в условиях непрерывного образования c использованием интернет-ресурсов. Ключевые слова: самообразование, массовые открытые онлайн-курсы (МООК), объединения учителей (TAG), саморазвитие, платформы для учите- лей английского как второго языка. Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem and ways of self-learning as a way of continuing professional development with the help of Internet sources. Keywords: Self-education, MOOCs, TAG, Self-development, platforms for ESL Teachers. It goes without saying, that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become an effective teacher. Constant personal growth and development is a mandatory com- ponent that all teachers must take into consideration to open their potential. There are a lot of different ways that a teacher can improve his or her personal growth and development. Most of us, definitely, use a combination of all the ways, and it's quite natural that some teachers may prefer one method over another, but all variants work perfectly. Today the question of professional development is one of the most important. The world is so changeable, that every day we face to a lot of new information and new needs. And as you know a teacher is the person, that gives children opportunities to understand these issues. After the 1990ies, our teachers faced to a problem of up- to-date professional development. Of course, recent years it has become easier to find what you want, the problem is that there is not enough information about those op- portunities that teachers have. Recently, we have made a survey among teachers of English, on what they know about learning opportunities they have. The answers were surprising for us, because the most of the teachers really haven’t got enough in- formation on this topic, especially what is related to the international exchange. That’s why we are sure that each methodical year should be started with the seminars dedicated to the problem of continuing professional development. And it is very important for ESL teachers to choose English as a working language of the sem- inars, to give an opportunity for practicing the language they teach. As the results show, it’s a little bit challenging, but just practice makes perfect. When we are talking about self-education, we must remember that not just read- ing articles and courses participation can help us. The easiest way is to listen to our colleagues’ advice. Usually people talk about administrator and colleague observa-