Интегрированное предметно-языковое обучение иностранным языкам как направление современной лингводидактики 2023 г.

60 – a person who kills animals, especially for their fur; – (in the US) the period after the Civil War when the southern states returned to the US and laws were passed that gave rights to African Americans; – snowstorms with very strong winds; – (of a person or their moods) changing easily from one mood to another. В качестве расширения задания можно добавить аспект, связанный с гео- графией: All mountaineers can be considered survivalists, given the lifestyle they lead and the risks they encounter as it is shown in the film Everest . The Seven Summits , the highest peaks on each of the seven continents, represent a major challenge for any adventurer. Match the summits with the continents where they are located: Everest Africa Aconcagua Antarctica Denali (or Mt McKinley) Asia Kilimanjaro Australia and Oceania Elbrus North America Vinson South America Kosciuszko/Jays Peak Europe В качестве творческого задания студентам предлагается выполнить проект в виде презентации на одну из тем: Topics for a project: One of the films depicts the story of Hugh Glass who was a frontiersman also known as the Bear Attack Survivor. What is the frontier? Who are frontiersmen? Find out more information about Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Kit Carson and Buf- falo Bill. Who are these people? What are they famous for? What is the difference between the Seven Summits, the Explorer's Grand Slam and the Ocean Explorer’s Grand Slam? Who managed to complete all of these challenges among Russian survivalists? Таким образом, интегрированные занятия способствуют повышению инте- реса учащихся к изучаемому материалу, могут способствовать развитию крити- ческого мышления, расширению социокультурного контекста. Студенты учатся аргументированно выражать свою точку зрения, отбирать и анализировать ин- формацию, создавать проекты, развивая лингвистические навыки. Литература 1. Coyle D., Hood P., Marsh D. CLIL: Content and Language Intergrated Learn- ing. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010. 2. Marsh D. Content and Language Intergrated Learning (CLIL): A Development Trajectory. Cordoba: Univ. of Cordoba, 2012.