Интегрированное предметно-языковое обучение иностранным языкам как направление современной лингводидактики 2023 г.

57 рыми лексическими единицами, описывающими явления и понятия, характер- ные для этого феномена. Далее студенты получают социокультурную справку рассматриваемого явления для лучшего понимания контекста через чтение тек- стового фрагмента и группового обсуждения прочитанного. Match the words with their definitions: survivalist the end of the world, or a time when something very bad will happen doomsday the practice of storing a large supply of something for future use stockpiling a private and safe place where you can be alone, esp. after a danger- ous situation bug-out bag a structure built to give protection, especially from the weather or from attack survival retreat a bag or container holding necessary supplies such as food to last for a few days, for use in an emergency shelter a person who prepares for a dangerous or unpleasant situation such as a war by learning how to survive outdoors, practising how to use weapons, storing food, etc. Have you ever heard about survivalism as a social movement? Read the text about survivalism. Survivalism is when people prepare for emergencies and disasters caused by things like natural events or economic and political crises. It is a social movement, and individuals and groups take part. They are called survivalists or ( doomsday ) preppers. These preparations can be for short-term events or long-term situations, go- ing from personal difficulties to service disruptions in a local area or to worldwide problems. General emergency preparedness and prepping for survivalism exist on a broad spectrum, but a qualitative distinction is often made, with preppers/survivalists preparing more extensively because they perceive a higher risk of catastrophe. Prep- ping can be as simple as getting ready for a personal emergency (like losing your job, damage from a storm at home, or getting lost while hiking) or it can be as complicat- ed as developing an individual or group identity with a dedicated lifestyle. Survivalism highlights self-reliance, the stockpiling of supplies, and the acquisi- tion of survival knowledge and skills. Stockpiling supplies varies greatly, ranging from survival kits (such as ready bags and bug-out bags ) to full bunkers in extreme situations. Survivalists frequently obtain training in first aid and emergency medicine, self- defence techniques (including martial arts or firearm safety), improvisation and self- sufficiency. They may also construct buildings (such as survival retreats and under- ground shelters ) or modify and fortify existing structures, which may aid their sur- vival in the event of a catastrophic societal breakdown.